Acupuncture is based on a system of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that dates back 3000 years, making it one of the longest established forms of healthcare in the world.
According to TCM, health depends on the harmony and balance of vital energy (or Qi) along meridians which have long been recognised in the Orient as energy channels traversing the body to affect the health of organs, nervous system, muscles and skin circulation. If the flow of Qi becomes unbalanced (ie by stress) illness may result. By inserting very fine needles at carefully chosen points, the body’s natural healing process is stimulated and balance is restored. These points are thought to stimulate the circulation of blood, oxygen and nutrients to the cells and release neuro-transmitters, the “feel-good” chemicals such as endorphins, assisting to balance the system from the daily bombardment of everyday stress, fatigue and chronic disease. Acupuncture works holistically and treats the whole being as well as individual symptoms, so one notices other health problems resolve, too.
Contrary to popular belief, acupuncture is not painful and can be incredibly relaxing with stress reduction, increased energy and better sleep some of the side effects of treatment. After treatment there is also an increase in white blood cells and immune antibodies which fight infection.
The National Institute of Health and the World Health Organisation acknowledge that acupuncture can treat a variety of mental, emotional and physical conditions such as:
Many health practitioners may recommend acupuncture as an adjunct treatment that may assist with IVF treatment. There is continuing research about how acupuncture can assist with the effectiveness of IVF treatment.
Please contact us for further information regarding acupuncture’s suitability for your particular health concern.